Sentrum Gynekologi AS

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Beroligende og gir trygghetsfølelse

Lege: Stig Pedersen Skrevet
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Er kjempefornøyd med Stig. Man kan ofte på time på dagen eller dagen etter. Har vært der 4-5 ganger og gruet meg på forhånd mye til celleprøve og innsetting av spiral. Ble kjapt beroliget fordi han forklarte godt og det hele var smertefritt. Tar seg god tid til å prate og besvare spørsmål etterpå.

Flink og behagelig

Lege: Stig Pedersen Skrevet
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Var hos Stig for celleprøve og kontroll etter fødsel. Han forklarer godt hele veien og svarer utfyllende på spørsmål. Skånsom undersøkelse. Behagelig lege. Kommer til å gå til han igjen.

Effektiv og hensynsfull

Lege: Stig Pedersen Skrevet
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Dro til Stig for tidlig ultralyd. Var nervøs både for selve undersøkelsen og hva man eventuelt skulle finne ut på ultralyden.
Han var hyggelig, effektiv og forsiktig, og fikk undersøkt alt man kan undersøke på et så lite foster. Fikk også med bilder hjem. Veldig fornøyd og betrygget etter å ha ha vært hos Stig.
Vil absolutt absolutt benytte han igjen.

God opplevelse

Lege: Stig Pedersen Skrevet
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Har vore hos Stig Pedersen to gonger i forbindelse med generell undersøkelse og celleprøve. Trygg og varm lege som informerer godt. Gjer noko som eg i utgangspunktet synes er ubehagelig til ein fin opplevelse. Kjem til å dra dit igjen.

Absolutely terrible

Lege: Stig Pedersen Skrevet
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For starters, he touched me like he was a car mechanic. I still felt it four hours later! I am sensitive, so it may not be so bad for others, but that's how it was for me. That could have been okay if that was his normal, because maybe I just am really sensitive, and then he could have at least adapted when I said this hurts, but he just went again "Oh, like this?" and he also often didn't tell me what he was doing. It's really awkward having someone rummaging around inside you without even saying why. Upon asking I got very little answers.
Same in the conversation afterwards - He couldn't answer my questions, which is fine in principle, I guess, nobody can know everything, but they were pretty basic. I am definitively not the first woman with these questions.
I don't really usually write reviews unless I want to praise someone. I don't like trolling, but this was one of the two absolute worst doctors experiences I have had in my life and I feel like I need to say so to spare others a similar experience.
To be fair the place (Sentrum Gynekologi) is good and I can very strongly recommend the Jordmor Laila. I had booked a spot with her first as I have done before and when she thought I might not be a case for her expertise she didn't charge me and sent me to Stig. I had to wait just ten minutes, so nothing basically.
Also, ironically enough, when I asked her afterwards, she could answer some of my questions. So maybe I just really should have stuck with her.
The others I haven't met.
I also expect that it's not always like that. Maybe he just had a bad day and I guess if I had just put my foot on his chest and said "Stop and don't treat me that way", things would have gone better, but I was a bit shocked, didn't react so quickly and such measures also just shouldn't be necessary.

Tilsvaret har vært gjenstand for flere revideringer fra redaksjonen I Legelisten, og framstår nå en kortere versjon enn først framsatt.

Hi and thank you for your feedback. We are always trying to be better, but sometimes expectations are higher than can be met.
In this case you wanted me to prescribe medicin that was outside the field of gynecology and I told you that I could not accommodate your request.
I answerd all your questions and more, but I couldn't give you the ansvers that you wanted to hear.
I didn't have a bad day. The day was actually good, and I desided to use my lunch-break to help you. The rest of your problems we fixed pretty effective and the time spent in the chair was as litle as possible. And you dont need to put a foot in my chest. No one has ever done that in my 20 years of experience. A small “carefull”, “be gentle” “ I need a little breake”, would be more than enough to get my attention.
No matter what you call it,- this strongly tends to online trolling, when you anonymously for the online world, describe bad treatment committed by a car mechanic. There are many other ways this critique could have been conveyed.
I would strongly encourage you to complain to the County Medical Officer (Fylkeslegen), who is the appropriate authority in such cases.
Regards Gynekolog Stig Pedersen

Besvart av Stig Pedersen

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