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I visited chiropractor Henriethe Tangeland. The meeting was supposed to start at 13:20, unfortunately it started at 13:35. Because she was late. I am not satisfied with this chiropractor because her services are very expensive. And she does not do her job properly... I had to go to another chiropractor the next day because Mrs. Henriethe only pressed twice on my back. And turned my head in two directions. I paid 920kr for the service. For this price I should have received the full service!! The second chiropractor did the service properly. And Mrs. Henriethe already wanted to make an appointment for me for a second visit.. Just to make money off me.. At the end of the visit I asked her if she could at least stretch my spine because I felt that it was tight.. Henriethe said that they do not do it because it is dangerous..!! However, the next day the chiropractor performed a spine stretch on me and I feel great.. I do not recommend this lady..