Hans Wilhelm Bolander
Mann, 34 år
Hans er kjempe kompetent og vet rett og slett hva han gjør. Etter noen få timer hos han følte jeg en kjempe forbedring. Stor smil for fleksibiliteten.
Han er veldig snill og spiller alltid god musikk under behandlinger😊🤗
Following the birth of my last little bird, my hips started hurting. And year after year, the pain just got worse. To the point I was losing body movement. I went to a few doctors, but it never got better and thought I would have to live with this forever.
I am so happy to have found Hans Bolander. From the first session,I could feel that I was getting back some of my motion. It's now been a few weeks, and every single time I go there, I get better. I feel younger and I recovered all my energy and hope in doing things I love to do.
I am so thankful for the care I got there.
Etter bare et par timer hos Hans Wilhelm Bolander følte jeg en betydelig forbedring i ryggen. Han er imøtekommende, profesjonell og veldig dyktig. Anbefales på det varmeste til alle som trenger hjelp med ryggsmerter!
Hans listens to his patients and is able to come up with a treatment plan that is effective. I had a somewhat peculiar issue, but he broke the problem down into small pieces and addressed one issue at a time. Well done, Hans.
Hadde svært vond rygg hvis behandling og gode råd fra behandler Hans Wilhelm Bolander har hjulpet meg til et punkt jeg ikke lenger plages av smerter.
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