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Siste vurderinger av behandlere ved Madlaklinikken

Omsorgsfull lege

Lege: Nyantakyi Baffour Yeboah Skrevet
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Stor tillit til Baffour anbefales. Han lytter og henviser videre når det er nødvendig. Blir møtt med vennlig spørsmål om hvordan jeg har det. Hver gang.

A Compassionate and Exceptional Physician

Lege: William Anthony Tanaruno Skrevet
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Dr. William exemplifies kindness, empathy, support, and patience in his practice as a physician. His attentive listening skills make patients feel truly heard and valued. Dedicated to finding optimal solutions for health concerns, he consistently goes above and beyond to ensure the best possible outcomes. Dr. William prioritizes patient well-being by promptly referring them to specialists when necessary.

Having had the privilege of being under Dr. William's care during my time in Stavanger, I can confidently say that he is a doctor I would entrust with my health for a lifetime. His profound knowledge and expertise inspire unwavering trust, fostering a sense of safety and understanding in his office.

During a particularly challenging period in my life, Dr. William's guidance was invaluable. His support and expertise guided me through a dark and stressful phase, and without his intervention, I may not have experienced the recovery I enjoy today.

In summary, Dr. William's exceptional qualities make him not just a doctor, but a sign of hope and healing for his patients. I am deeply grateful for his compassionate care and would wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone seeking a dedicated and skilled physician.

Kunnskapsrike og følger godt opp

Lege: Norman Isaac Evbinmaharia Idehen Skrevet
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Idehin kan jeg varmt anbefaler da han har vært min fastlege i 25år. Han Forklarer godt hva sykdommen innebærer og henviser i tilfeller mistanke om underliggende uavdekket sykdom.

God lege!

Lege: Hosea Binyam Skrevet
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Jeg er veldig fornøyd med Hosea Binyam. Har fått den hjelp og oppfølging som vi trenger (meg og mine barn)
Resepsjonen derimot, har litt å jobbe mot for å bli helhetlig bra.

Very good doctor

Lege: Nyantakyi Baffour Yeboah Skrevet
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Moved myself to stavanger and asked him to move my journal here. He was very positive and requested me all new exams to check about my diabetes type 2. The clinic is also very good and it was very easy to find time to get a consultation. Very good overall!

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