Oris Dental Lillehammer Torg

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Siste vurderinger av Oris Dental Lillehammer Torg


Tannlege: Vu Hoang Nguyen Skrevet
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Beste tannlegen i byen.
Inkludert hele staben.
For deg som har tannlegeskrekk, så blir du kurert her.

Fantastisk På Alle Måter

Tannlege: Vu Hoang Nguyen Skrevet
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Tilgjengelighet og service

My apologies for writing in English. I am not fluent in Norwegian. I thought it best that I may express myself as accurately as possible.

I have THE most painful condition known to medical science. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome(CRPS) is often referred to as The Suicide Disease. There is no cure. It is well known stress exacerbates(makes worse) CRPS. As of January the first 2017 I have a 100% disability pension (uførepensjon). As a result of my illness I am in financial dire straights.

I want to nominate my dentist for the prize of dentist of the year(if such a thing exists)! Vu is the very best of dentists. My condition has deteriorated considerably over the last few months but I know I can rely on the professionalism, compassion, empathy & understanding of Mr Nguyen. Essentially I feel pain permanently. I still have pain from work I had done many months ago. I cannot praise Vu enough. The way he conducts his business should be a model for all. I have had experience with many different dentists throughout my life including a highly esteemed one in London. I also have Bruxism which complicates my treatment. As I am poor it was necessary for Vu to prepare an estimate of the cost of my treatment for NAV. In order I may apply for social help. This he did most patiently & fastidiously including X-rays. Whilst NAV were processing the application I had another dental catastrophe. It ended up doubling the cost of my treatment. Again Vu promptly completed the necessary paperwork & approval was granted by NAV.

In summary I have had a lot of work done in the past 12 months. Somewhere in the region of 32000 Kroner. Every time I see Vu I just want to give him a hug! I have so much pain & distress in my life just knowing I will be treated with dignity & compassion makes a huge difference to me. I hope there is some way he may be recognised as I know he is extremely hard(&long) working.

En meget god tannlege

Tannlege: Vu Hoang Nguyen Skrevet
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Vennlig, profesjonell, hensynsfull, ikke selvhøytidelig. Jeg ville reist langt for å opprettholde pasientforholdet til ham.

Fantastisk lege

Tannlege: Vu Hoang Nguyen Skrevet
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Han er dyktig og bryr seg om pasientene hans. Han er utrolig flink som en person og som en tannlege! Hans sekretærer og tannpleier er det beste og snilleste kvinner jeg har sett i helse bransjen !! Han og hans tannpleier anbefales. Oh , Han han en nettside hvor kan dere titte gjennom prisene , de har tilbud for oss (Studenter :)) . Jeg måtte dessverre bytte pga flytting.


Tannlege: Vu Hoang Nguyen Skrevet
Samlet vurdering
Tilgjengelighet og service

Da jeg brakk en bit av en tann ventet han på kontoret til jeg kom, dette var etter vakttiden en Lørdag. Vennlig, profesjonell, og veldig flink. Følte overhodet ikke ubehag da jeg var der, og kan dermed si at jeg ikke lenger har tannlegeskrekk. Anbefales!!