Nyantakyi Baffour Yeboah
Mann, 60 år
- Allmennmedisin
- Rus- og avhengighetsmedisin
Ledige plasser
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Dr. Baffour er en lege som ikke bare har kunnskapen man forventer, men som virkelig bryr seg om pasienten. Jeg har aldri opplevd å bli så ivaretatt av en lege og føler meg utrolig heldig som har funnet Dr. Baffour.
Etter min aller første time med Nyantakyi så var jeg skeptisk, men etter flere timer med han så må jeg innrømme at han er en fantastisk lege. Han behandler deg som en god venn hver gang man møter han, og gir presise svar på problemene dine.
I was unlucky to have this fastlege. I applied for a couple of times to let me know my diagnose of the abnormal growing on my body but he always rejects this. He just ignores my requests.
He is there working but doing nothing. I am very dissapointed that such kind of doctors are taking the roles that they should not. He is not caring, and absolutely non professional.
I spoke previously with Dr Baffour, and it was my first time with him on person. He is a friendly and professional doctor, and a careful listener. I did not know if my pain derived from bladder or if it was a ginecological problem. He made me to take a thorough blood and urine tests. I went back home, agreeing on a future visit when the results came back. He sent me a mail sometime in the same afternoon through helsenorge that I did not open. He call me at 8.20 the morning afterwards, saying I had an infection and I should go right away to the farmacy to get antibiotics. I was stunned: I never had a doctor calling me and urging me to run and take the medicine. Simply outstanding. Thank you Dr Baffour!