Titus Sixten Hinsch Gylvin

Mann, 53 år


Autorisasjon (2002)

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Titus Sixten Hinsch Gylvin er en av 30 fastleger i Gjøvik

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Siste vurderinger av Titus Sixten Hinsch Gylvin

Tåler ikke kritikk og er direkte ufin

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Til å begynne med fremstår han som en utrolig hyggelig og sjarmerende lege, men mangler åpenbart svært mye kunnskap. Oppfattet han nesten som flørtete de første gangene, men da jeg stilte et kritisk spørsmål gikk han umiddelbart i forsvar og jeg opplevde ham nesten som aggressiv og veldig ufin. Veldig ubehagelig opplevelse. Også vanskelig å forstå hva han sier (er dansk) og han snakker veldig mye. Står allerde på venteliste hos en annen lege. Vil aldri gå tilbake til ham igjen.

very non responsive for a doctor

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I am very disappointed in the non responsive nature of this person as a doctor.

As my personal doctor he knows nothing about my health other than what I have diagnosed myself.

I went to him a month ago and he wrote a prescription on a piece of old paper, when I returned this time he never even bothered to physically check my status, but instead just asked me how I was and assumed everything is ok.

Should a doctor not show concern for his patient and check and asses a situation by checking his patient.

I very rarely go to a doctor, but when I go I would expect a doctor to at least check my blood pressure etc, as I am over 50years old.

This doctor shows zero interest in inspecting me as a patient and once I say that I'm ok then that is the diagnoses.

Should the doctor not be the one to give the diagnoses based on at the very least an inspection of some sorts, or maybe even some kind of inspection with medical apparatus?

This was the strangest doctors visits I have ever had. and to think that after sitting for 5 mins and just talking about the weather and me saying that I'm ok , I had to pay 170 Nok.

I don't mind to pay but at least do some kind of medical inspection using your medical skills to asses and not just the patients word.

I would like to see a doctor that would care enough to listen and act, not one who clearly just wants to get to the next patient to seemingly just make his next salary pay check.

I am still concerned that there may be something not good with my stomach as there is a history of ulcer issues from my dads side.

My flatulence in not normal and its embarrassing and I think this has some connection to the fact that my anus is itching and there is constant wetness around my bum. But this doctor is ok with everything.

I wish to change to a doctor that can give me a proper check up as soon as possible because I refuse to believe that this is the actions of a doctor that cares for his patients.