Xiaotong Li
Mann, 54 år
Kunne ikke vært mer fornøyd med min konsultasjon hos Xiaotong Li. Han lyttet konsentrert til alt jeg hadde å si, undersøkte grundig, og gav deretter en veldig pedagogisk og grundig forklaring på mine problemer, inkludert de ulike behandlingsmulighetene jeg hadde. Han gav meg også masse gode råd om forebyggende tiltak for mine plager. En kunnskapsrik, rolig og behagelig lege å være hos. Jeg følte meg hundre ganger mer tatt på alvor og lyttet til enn hos fastlegen min, samt at den behandlingen jeg fikk anbefalt føltes grundig gjennomtenkt og basert på en stor mengde medisinsk kunnskap. Anbefales på det sterkeste!
Having lived a mostly outdoor life not too conscious of sunscreen, I began skin check-ups now and then some years ago. I now go to doctor Li for an annual check of my skin and moles. He is the best dermatologist I have been to. He has me lay down on his bench and conducts a thorough inspection of front and back including limbs, taking his time. He answers questions and explains irregularities in a calm and reassuring way. I walk out of his office pleased to be in the hands of a solid and thorough professional.
I have lived 10 years in Norway and he is the best doctor I have had in this country.
He explained everything with clarity and gave me the appropiate time to answer with clarity my concerns. It might be because he was not Norwegian. Norwegian doctors seem to be looking forward to get rid of he patients. He was absolutely professional and he knows his job. I will sure come bak to him
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